Temporary Conditions & Construction Signs

A temporary condition or construction traffic sign is erected to warn drivers of unexpected temporary driving conditions such as road work zones, diversions, detours, lane closures or traffic control people on the road. They are usually diamond-shaped with an orange background and black letters or symbols.

Please Contact Us for help selecting and customizing your signs.

  • Construction Ahead

  • Construction Ahead 1 km

  • Construction Ahead 2 km

  • Road Work

  • Road Work

  • Left Lane Closed Ahead

  • Left Lane Closed Tab

  • Right Lane Closed Ahead

  • Right Lane Closed Tab

  • 300 m Tab

  • Lane Closure Arrow Left

  • Lane Closure Arrow Right

  • Detour Ahead

  • Detour Ahead 1 km

  • Detour Ahead 2 km

  • Detour-Turn off / Diversion Left

  • Detour-Turn off / Diversion Right

  • Road Closed Tab

  • Local Traffic Only Tab

  • Roadside Diversion Warning

  • Roadside Diversion Warning

  • Roadside Diversion Warning

  • Traffic Control Sign (Stop/Slow Paddle)

  • Roadside Diversion Warning

  • Roadside Diversion Warning